Der Bundesverband Crowdfunding hat sich am Impact Assessment der Europäischen Kommission zum Thema EU-weiter Crowdfunding Regulierung beteiligt.
Die Antwort des Verbandes findet sich hier:
In the long-term, a comprehensive framework for equity-based and lending-based CF in Europe would be our preferred option. In the medium-term, a stand-alone opt-in framework could facilitate cross border activities.
Due to the asymmetric regulation in Germany, our members are concerned that platforms with more flexible regulatory regimes will have a considerable advantage in Germany. We therefore would encourage the European Commission in the short-term to identify Best Practices, analyse how legislation has impacted the growth of the Crowdfunding Industry and monitor the implementation of the new rules of the European Capital Market Union closely.
Zahlreiche weitere Crowdfunding-Verbände haben sich an dem Impact Assessment beteiligt.